LAPspay.less trauma, less pain, fastest recovery. -keyhole incisions, no external stiching, not need for collar-procedure performed with telescope camera for enhanced visualisation-the hands of the surgeon do not enter the abdomen-significantly decreased tissue trauma, pain, bleeding and bruising. Procedural comparison
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Soft tissue surgery
The use of an hydraulic artificial spjincter device is an effective long-term treatment for urinary incontinence when traditional options failed.
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Soft tissue surgery
Megacolon is a consequence of long- standing constipation and is considered to be the end stage of large bowel dysfunction due to a permanent loss of colonic structure and function.Due to the fact that megacolon is associated with high morbidity and because conservative treatment gives only temporary relief, many owners elect euthanasia for their pet rather than chronic ineffective medical management with luxatives and enemas.The main goal of the surgery is to improve the quality of life of the patient by the surgical removal of the diseased large bowel.
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Abdominal Surgery
German Shepherd with a damaged paw pad after a vehicular trauma.The paw pads of dogs are specialized skin structures which provide cushioning, abrasion resistance, and traction. Loss of pad tissue, despite an otherwise normal limb, can result in complete loss of limb function.Cats and small dogs that live indoors and walk on soft surfaces may function well with no pads, but in this case patient was a large dog which lived outside, and therefore required reconstruction and paw salvage of the right central back leg pad.
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Recostructive Surgery
Vertical ear canal ablation is a procedure that the upper ear canal (vertical) is removed and a new ear opening is created. It can be performed when the entire vertical canal is diseased but the horizontal canal is normal.
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Ear Surgery
Feline corneal sequestration is a painful corneal disease due to the development of an opaque, dark brown to black plaque on the cornea which is a dead piece of corneal tissue. The sequestra penetrates into the corneal tissue and it can be removed surgically (Keratectomy) with the use of an operating microscope.A conjuctival flap is used to cover the surgical site for a few weeks to strengthen the cornea in that area and hasten healing.
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Opthalmic Surgery
A full thickness skin grafting is a procedure that a free piece of skin is removed from an area of the body (donor site) and is transplanted into another area (recipient site) to cover a defect. Skin grafts are often employed after serious injuries or tumour removal when some of the body's skin is damaged, especially in the distal extremities.
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Recostructive Surgery
Midsagittal fracture of the hard palate in the cat is the most common injury of this area. They are the result of hitting the nose on the ground after a fall or an automobile strike. Stability was achieved with the application of a transfixation pin caudal to the canine teeth and figure-of-8 wire. Implants were removed 4 weeks post operatively.
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Maxillofacial surgery
Pantarsal arthrodesis includes the fusion of the tarsal joint (hock joint) with the use of a plate, screws and bone tissue that is harvested from another location. It is performed in cases of severe injuries, end stage arthritis and standing deformities of the hock joint.
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Orthopaedic Surgery
Patella luxation (floating or dislocated kneecap) is a common condition that the kneecap is dislocating and slips out of its normal position. There are 4 grades described according to the time the kneecap spends in the abnormal position. Patients are presented with a history of intermittent limping in the back leg with a characteristic sudden carrying of the limb up for a few steps ("skip") and then using it again.
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Orthopaedic Surgery
The cruciate ligament is one of the most important stabilizing structures of the knee joint. Rupture of this ligament results in rear limb dysfunction, pain and eventually arthritis. Treatment is surgical. There is a variety of surgical treatments that we offer and they are based on patient's breed, size, age and family budget.TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) is currently considered the best procedure for the treatment of cruciate ligament tears. The objective of the TTA is to change the mechanics of the joint and therefore provide stability without compromising joint congruency.
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Orthopaedic Surgery